+387 (0)33 252-703
107.15 KM

Combining the best quality nuts that have not lost their taste and freshness, Raw Cocktail Nuts is an ideal option for those who want to enjoy healthy snacks. Content: Raw Cashew: Contains healthy fats and protein with its delicious and creamy texture. ; Raw Hazelnuts: a fibre-rich, energy-packed snack. ; Raw Almonds: A nutritious alternative with high protein  content. ; Raw Cocktail Nuts: Why Us? Naturalness and Freshness: Our products are packaged in their freshest and natural form and do not contain preservatives. ; : Place your order and your healthy snacks will be on their way immediately. ; Wide Product Range: Offers a rich flavor option with different types of nuts. ; A Package Full of Healthy Snacks! Add a delicious touch to your healthy lifestyle with Raw Cocktail Nuts. Order now and bring the freshness of nature to your table!

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