+387 (0)33 252-703
6.50 KM

rn Deluxe telegram is a special service type for telegram delivery on a special form appropriate for special occasions – national and other holidays, celebration events, anniversaries and other occasions including that of conveying condolences.


rn As a rule, telegrams are delivered personally to the addressee.


rn If so required by a sender, a telegram may be delivered on a specific day, but only within the period of 30 days following the date of a telegram acceptance at a post office.


rn A telegram may be sent in English.


rn BH Post guarantees to customers secrecy of telegrams. Information on telegrams is disclosed only on written request of the sender, addressee or persons authorized by them. Likewise, upon written request information is disclosed to a court, public prosecutor and other authorities.

  • 25.00gr
  • Greeting Cards and Telegrams >> Deluxe telegrams
  • JP BH Pošta d.o.o.